Emma's Dilemmas


Contrary to what the name may suggest, this is not a blog dedicated solely to my problems. As I make my debut into the realm of Bear — thrilled at the thought of reaching other bloggers through the ever-inspiring discovery feed — I must make one thing clear: I love a good rhyme. Sometimes more than logic. And in this case, the tradeoff for choosing a name that rhymes is that the content in my blog won’t always align with the title, and I’m okay with that.

My purpose here isn’t to please or to delight; it’s to express — something we rarely get the space to do authentically online. Being here takes a degree of vulnerability for me, but it comes with the gentle comfort of some anonymity.

Here, I am still Emma as I am in everyday life, but I am also imperceptible behind the words you read. While I plan to share with an open heart and freely exhibit the more anomalous corners of my mind, I know that the stakes are lower than what they seem to be on other platforms, where it often feels like I'm being observed too closely, or slipping into an alter-ego that doesn't truly capture me. Here, it feels like I can say what I want to say without the recurring fear of being perceived or held to a fixed identity. And, no matter who happens to stumble upon the musings of these pages — no matter who thinks what of the words I write — I still intend to make this a space where I can comfortably express whatever may come to the surface of my being.

And so, with a nod of thanks to you, the equally imperceptible reader, and also one to the creator of this charming platform — who happens to be the man I gladly spend my days with — so begins my emergence. Let’s see what this Bear blogness is all about.